Sunday, June 08, 2008

The blue and red light at the end of the tunnel.

Here’s is a random little fact: Dermatologists and professional spas have used red and blue light therapy for over 35 years to treat conditions such as acne and premature ageing.

Here is another little fact that actually, makes the first random fact not so random indeed: This magnificent technology is available for you to use right at home; Whenever Wherever to put it in Shakira talk.

Here are lots of little facts in a big jumble, with a few opinions chucked into the mix: Tända Skincare is the maker of at home light therapy systems or LEDs as they call them. The machines emit both blue and red light onto the skin. Let me explain before you knock it. The blue light kills ‘P.Acnes’; basically it kills the bacteria that causes mild to moderate acne while, at the same time, the red light, heals any existing blemishes and any signs of ageing. Its 100% healthy (I know they once said that about tanning beds but trust me on this one; its healthy and safe with no UV light used.) It might set you back a bit at around $400, but if you think about how much more it would be at the dermatologist, it becomes a worthy investment.

So here is tiny visual to put it all together.

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